Lost & Found Drone Forms Now Live

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Have you lost a drone? Use this form to report a lost drone. If the drone is reported as found we will attempt to arrange the return of the found drone. If you have found a drone, please fill out the Found a Drone form. If you have found a lost drone we will attempt to notify the owner of the lost drone and arrange pickup. If you have lost your … Read More

FAA Issues Part 107 Waivers, Airspace Authorizations

StaffFlight Safety, News22 Comments

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) began issuing Part 107 waivers and airspace authorizations to drone operators starting August 29, 2016, the effective date of the new rule.  As of October 24, 2016, the agency has approved 81 authorizations for flights in Class D and E airspace, and has issued 36 waivers of Part 107 provisions to drone operators who applied after the rule’s effective date. However, the agency has found … Read More

Unmanned Aircraft Safety Team Holds First Meeting

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The Unmanned Aircraft Safety Team (UAST), held its first meeting October 18-19 in Washington, DC. FAA Administrator Michael Huerta announced the creation of the UAST at the White House Drone Day on August 2. The group, which includes a wide variety of stakeholders from the drone and aviation industries, as well as the government, gathered to analyze data to enhance safety and operations of drones in the nation’s airspace. The UAST … Read More

Do Not Fly Near Hurricane Emergency Response Efforts

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The FAA has posted the following information statement about the Hurricane Matthew and operating a UAS. As a result of Hurricane Matthew, there will likely be significant recovery efforts and the FAA may issue flight restrictions in the vicinity of disaster areas. During response operations to Hurricane Matthew, authorized aircraft may be flying at very low altitudes over affected areas.    Unauthorized UAS or drone operations may prevent other aircraft from performing life-saving missions and increase the risk of mid-air collision. Anyone, including hobbyist or recreational fliers, who … Read More

The FAA’s New Drone Rules Are Effective Today for Non-Recreational Use

StaffFirst Class, Flight Safety, Law Enforcement Resources, News3 Comments

The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) new comprehensive regulations go into effect today for routine non-recreational use of small unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) – more popularly known as “drones.” The provisions of the new rule – formally known as Part 107 – are designed to minimize risks to other aircraft and people and property on the ground. A summary is available here.  The FAA has put several processes in place to … Read More

Applying for a Waiver under the New Drone Rules

StaffLaw Enforcement Resources, News5 Comments

Source: http://www.faa.gov/news/updates/?newsId=86286 The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) new small drone rule effective August 29 – formally known as Part 107 – allows for some expanded operations based on technology mitigations if you can make the safety case for a waiver of some provisions. Operators can apply for waivers to operate at night, beyond line of sight, above 400 feet and other specific types of operation. Please make an appointment for … Read More

Section 333 vs. Part 107: What Works for You?

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Source: http://www.faa.gov/news/updates/?newsId=86285 The Federal Aviation Administration’s (FAA) new small drone rule – formally known as Part 107 – is effective on August 29. You may also be wondering what happens to your Section 333 exemption grant or petition for exemption. View the video here. The biggest question is whether you are better off flying under the provisions of Part 107, or should continue using your existing exemption? Your exemption is valid … Read More

New Small Drone Rules Coming Next Week

StaffFlight Safety, Law Enforcement Resources, News1 Comment

New exciting opportunities for drone operators opens next week on August 29 when the new small drone rule for non-hobbyists becomes effective. The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) wants to make sure you have the information you’ll need to take advantage of those opportunities. Aeronautical Knowledge Test One very important step you have to take is to obtain your remote pilot certificate. Under the new rule—also known as Part 107—the person … Read More